The Development of our System of Integers

The Development of our System of Integers


Negative numbers were developed by Arab merchants as they attempted to build a system to record business transactions.


Objective:  Students will research the history of the development of our system of integers, and how these numbers were first applied to business and other contexts.

You will find the packet and the rubric at the bottom of this page.  You must copy and paste this in a word document so you can type in it.



Section 1



Click on the following links to practice graphing points on the coordinate plane. For each game you are going to rate it based on the following: directions, difficulty and enjoyment. Record your ratings and score in the Coordinate Plane Activities section of the Integer Webquest packet.


Websites for Coordinate Plane (don't forget to push the back button when you are finished viewing the site)


Math Play
Stock the Shelves
Co-ordinate Game
XP Math - The Simpsons - Homer's Donuts
XP Math - Metroid Coordinates



Section 2




Use the websites below to answer these questions. Be sure to write the answers to the questions in your own words. You will not receive any credit for answers that are copied directly from a website. Write your answers to these questions in the History of Negative Integers section of the Integer Webquest packet. A clear understandable answer written in complete sentences is required.


Questions to be researched:
1. In what century were negative integers finally accepted?
2. Which cultures were the first to use negative integers and what contributions did they make?
3. When was the word integer introduced?
4. What does the word integer mean in Latin?
5. What is the symbol for integers, where does it comes from and what does it mean?


The History of Negative Integers Websites (don't forget to push the back button when you are finished viewing the site)

Negative Numbers
Online Etymology Dictionary
Negative Numbers at MathPages
Properties of Real Numbers: Negative Numbers
History of Negative Numbers

Math is Good for You


Section 3


Use the websites below to answer these questions. You need to include an example with each of the explanations. Be sure to write the answers to the questions in your own words. Your explanation needs to include the math you do and how you determine the sign of your answer. Make sure you use the correct math terminology in your explanations. Write your explanation and example in the Rules for Integer Operations section of the Integer Webquest packet.


Questions to be researched:
1. How do you add two integers if they have the same sign? Make sure that you explain how to determine the sum’s sign.
2. How do you add two integers if they have different signs? Again, explain how to determine the sum’s sign.
3. Explain how you determine a difference when subtracting two integers.
4. Explain how you multiply and divide integers. A chart is acceptable as part of your answer.

RULES FOR INTEGER OPERATIONS WEBSITES (don't forget to push the back button when you are finished viewing the site)
Positive and Negative Numbers at Math League
Integers: Operations with Signed Numbers
AAA Math: Multiplication with Integers
AAA Math: Dividing Integers
Learning Wave - Multiplying Integers
Math Guide: Operations on Integers

Section 4




Visit the websites listed to find examples of real life uses of integers, particularly the addition and subtraction of negative numbers. Identify three instances where integers are used in your everyday life. Provide a solid explanation that demonstrates your understanding of how the integers are involved with the examples that you identify. You will not receive credit for explanantions or examples that are copied directly from a website. The explanations must include how BOTH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE numbers are used. Write these explanations in the Integers and Everyday Life section of the Integer Webquest packet.


Integers and Everyday Life Websites (don't forget to push the back button when you are finished viewing the site)

Math Forum: Negative Numbers in the Real World
Math Forum: Integers in Daily Life
Math Forum: Subtracting Negative Numbers
Math Forum: Using Integers
Math Goodies: Integers and the Real World
Math Forum: Integers in Everyday Life
Integer Exploration

Section 5





Write THREE, ORIGINAL real-life word problems. You must write one addition, one subtraction and one multiplication or division word problem. Each problem that YOU create MUST use NEGATIVE and POSITIVE integers. No credit will be given for examples that are copied from a website. The word problems need to be realistic (i.e. you cannot have -3 marbles). These three word problems and their solutions are to be written in the Real-Life Word Problems section of the Integer Webquest packet



Click on the following links to practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with integers. For each game you are going to rate it based on the following: directions, difficulty and enjoyment. Record your ratings and score in the Practice with Integers section of the Integer Webquest packet.

Mystery Picture
Guess My Number
Math Car Racing
Line Jumper

You will need to play the Arithmetic Four game with a partner. You need to choose Integer Addition, Integer Subtraction, Integer Division and Integer Multiplication for your settings and then click on Start Game.

Arithmetic Four



This webquest will be counted as a test grade. Refer to the grading rubric that is included in your packet for details on the assessment of the activity.

Ideas for this webquest were taken from


Miss Young's Webquest
Holy Family University, PA

Mrs. McGovern

King Phillip Middle School 


Interesting Integers Webquest
Cam Miller and Nina Newlin
Worcester County and Kent County, MD

Late assignments will be deducted a grade for everyday late. Automatic F after 3 days late.

What you turn in (staple in this order)

1. Handout

2. Rubric